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Score your website. FinTech / SaaS edition.

Test your website using 12 short questions. At the end, you'll get an overall percentage and, if desired, a detailed percentage for each section.

First Impression

The top part of your website is an important way to make your brand stand out from the rest! Make sure it's unique and memorable.


The trustworthiness of your website/software is largely determined by the amount of social proof and consistency of branding and design.


Does your website use the latest successful marketing tools? Find out now.

Sign-up / Onboarding

Onboarding refers to the process of introducing new users to a service or platform. How well is this in place?
Dashboard mockup

Get Your Website Rating in Seconds.

VisualVisions' Website Grader helps fintech companies understand the performance of their website. With this tool, you can eliminate the guesswork and understand which changes are important and which aren't. It will help you discover the strengths of your site and identify new opportunities for the future.
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